STOP Japanese Fossil Finance!

Media Coverage

2024/12/13 The Climate Watch Bangladesh asked to scrap ammonia, hydrogen power projects
2024/12/13 The Business Standard Experts urge govt not to adopt ammonia, hydrogen power projects
2024/12/13 The Business Standard Renewable energy investors call for better policies to attract FDI
2024/12/13 Daily Observer IEPMP gave incorrect solutions for developing BD's energy, power sector
2024/12/13 Newage IEPMP not economically viable
2024/12/12 Just Energy News Integrated power master plan designed to benefit Japanese companies
2024/12/12 The Climate Watch Bangladesh’s integrated power master plan meant for Japanese interest
2024/12/12 Dhaka Tribune Japanese influence over Bangladesh’s Power Master Plan scrutinized at energy prosperity conference
2024/12/12 Daily Sun Integrated Power Master Plan economically unviable: Speaker
2024/11/11 Nikkei Asia Japanese financing keeps South and Southeast Asia hooked on fossil fuels
2024/7/3 Energy Tracker Asia Greenwashing on the Agenda at Japan Energy Summit 2024
2024/2/15 DeSmog Canadian LNG Will Stall Asia’s Shift to Renewables, Energy Experts in Asia Say
2024/2/9 Nikkei Asia Biden's 'pause' on LNG export terminals is good for Asia
2024/1/30 The Messenger What Biden’s LNG Export ‘Pause’ Really Means for Asia

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2023/12/11 BETAHITA #SayonaraFossilFuels: Jepang Diminta Setop Bahan Bakar Fosil
2023 Nov.-Dec. 47 Media Coverages during the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, November 30 - December 13, 2023 (PDF)
2023/10/30 Common Dreams Climate Groups Back Efforts to End Tens of Billions in Foreign Fossil Fuel Subsidies
2023/7/23 Global Trade Review Campaigners urge Nexi to reject US fossil fuel project
2023/07/15 NewAge Bangladeh New South Asia energy platform calls for just transition
2023/06/01 REUTERS Rich nations say they're spending billions to fight climate change. Some money is going to strange places.
2023/6/29 Insure Our Future Activists demand Tokio Marine rule out EACOP at annual shareholder meeting
2023/05/23 NEWAGE : Bangladesh No respite from power price hike likely

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2022/11/30 COP27 Media Coverage Media coverage during COP27, November 6-20 (written in Japanese)
2022/11/30 COP27 Media Coverage Media coverage during COP27, November 6-20 (written in English)
2022/07/28 Reinsurance News Sompo Group affirms commitment to climate policies
2022/07/28 Insurance Asia News Sompo makes coal underwriting pledge and joins Net-Zero Insurance Alliance
2022/07/28 Commercial Risk Sompo becomes first Japanese insurer to restrict coal-related companies
2022/07/28 Bright Green First Asian insurer rules out insuring coal companies
2022/06/28 Insurance Business Sompo commits to "pioneering" coal policy
2022/06/28 Reinsurance News Sompo Group affirms commitment to climate policies
2022/05/17 The Financial Express Chattogram division at ‘high risk’ of carbon catastrophes
2022/05/17 The Daily Star Coal-fired power plants can ruin Ctg
2022/05/17 The Daily Star Chattogram could become a carbon catastrophe on a global scale: Study
2022/05/16 The Business Standard Chattogram heading for carbon catastrophe: Report
2022/03/10 The Daily Star Matarbari plant: Japanese firm Sumitomo won’t bid for phase-2

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2021/11/25 Asia Times Time for Japan to stop funding coal power in Bangladesh
2021/11/24 Vigour Times (Financial Times) Taxonomy Troubles In Brussels
2021/11/11 Morning Star Japanese NGOs urge government to stop investing in fossil fuels
2021/07/26 IMPACT ON 【뉴스 읽기】 삼성 이어 현대차까지 FT에 전면 비판광고… ESG행동주의 그룹이 온다b (Tentative Translation: 【News】 From Samsung to Hyundai Motor, ESG activist group post FT ad for criticism)
2021/07/23 The Korea Herald Hyundai E&C to continue coal power project in Vietnam despite criticism
2021/07/21 NEWSROAD 국내외 환경단체 "현대건설 그린워싱" 비판 왜? (Tentative translation: Why criticize domestic and foreign environmental groups "Hyundai E&C Green Washing"?)
2021/06/20 Japan Times Climate change takes spotlight at shareholders meetings
2021/06/19 Asahi Push to get big companies to move away from carbon
2021/06/18 Reuters Sumitomo shareholders reject climate change resolution
2021/04/28 Transborder News ค้านไจก้า-เอดีบีปล่อยกู้สร้างโรงไฟฟ้าหินกอง หวั่นก่อให้เกิดก๊าซเรือนกระจก(Thai)Thai(Tentative translation: Opposition JICA - ADB rescues to build the Hin Kong Power Plant The dreaded cause of greenhouse gases.)
2021/04/23 Dunia Energi Korea Selatan Akhiri Pendanaan Proyek Batu Bara, Pemerintah Perlu Pertimbangkan Ulang Ekspansi PLTU (Indonesian)(Tentative translation: South Korea End Coal Project Funding, Government Needs to Reconsider the Expansion of coal-fired power plants)
2021/04/23 The Negeri Gingseng dan Saudara Tua Siap Hentikan Pembiayaan Pembangkit Setrum Batubara di Indonesia, Sayonara Si Emas Hitam... (Indonesian)(Tentative translation: Korean Countries and Old Brothers Are Ready to Stop Financing a Coal-fired Power Plant in Indonesia, Sayonara the Black Gold)
2021/04/23 CNN Indonesia Pendanaan Proyek Batu Bara di RI Diramal Akan Berakhir (Indonesian)(Tentative translation: Funding for Coal Projects in RI is Predicted to End)
2021/04/21 Global Trade Review JBIC faces climate pressure over Australian LNG plans
2021/02/25 Climate Home News Bangladesh scraps nine coal power plants as overseas finance dries up
2021/02/02 The Scotsman Climate change: If coal is the worst of the fossil fuels and more expensive than renewables, why is Japan still funding it? – Dr Richard Dixon
2021/01/06 Global Trade Review JBIC and Kexim confirm support for Vietnamese coal project despite pressure from industry groups
2021/01/06 Financial Times Green books sprout tall: 10 top ESG reads

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2020/12/30 Bloomberg Japan Funds Coal Plant In Vietnam, Risking Green Backlash
2020/09/24 The Daily Prothom Alo Climate activists urge Japan to stop financing coal in Matarbari
2020/09/24 Insurance Business Asia Japanese insurers lagging behind on climate action, says eco group
2020/09/24 Insurance Business Asia Japanese insurers lagging behind on climate action, says eco group
2020/09/23 Environmental Finance Sompo is first Japanese insurer to introduce restrictions on coal (need sign in)
2020/08/21 The Business Standards Civil society bodies oppose Tepco as consultant for reviewing Power System Master Plan
2020/08/20 The Daily Star ‘Do not consider TEPCO as consultant for reviewing Power System Master Plan’
2020/08/15 South China Morning Post China slow to curb coal financing as Japan, South Korea ‘accept new reality’ on phasing out fossil fuels
2020/07/15 Global Trade Review Japan’s plan to curb coal plant lending has major “loopholes”
2020/07/13 Financial Times Financial Times Japan vowsto slash financing ofcoal powerin developing world
2020/07/13 Carbon Brief Japan vows to slash financing of coal power in developing world
2020/07/10 Japan Today Japan to limit financing of overseas coal power plants
2020/06/18 Nikkei Asian Review Mizuho investors demand transparency on coal exposure
2020/06/15 The Business Standard NGOs from 18 countries urge Japan to stop financing Matarbari power plant
2020/05/13 Global Trade Review Mixed messages on fossil fuel funding by export credit agencies
2020/04/22 Asahi COVERING CLIMATE NOW: Japan’s exports of coal-fired thermal plants at a crossroads
2020/04/16 Asahi Mizuho to halt lending to new coal-fired plant projects

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2019/10/23 ASEAN Economist Asean coal power plant construction falls​
2019/10/15 The Straitstimes DBS urged not to fund Vietnam coal plant​
2019/10/11 Clean Technica Two New Coal Plants Cancelled In Botswana​
2019/09/22 The Japan Times Japan expected to repeat little more than past promises at U.N. Climate Action Summit​
2019/06/12 NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW After fending off eco-warriors, Asia Inc finds 'ESG' investors hard to ignore​
2019/03/28 Eco-Business While the world goes cool on coal, China plots climate-critical dirty energy push
2019/03/28 The Guardian Global 'collapse' in number of new coal-fired power plants

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2018/12/15 Radio-Canada Les champions et les championnes du climat​
2018/07/14 Business Standard NGOs hail Nippon Life for dropping coal finance​
2018/05/11 Bloomberg , Climate-Changed Cracks Emerge in Coal Haven as Insurers Mull Funding Curbs​

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2017/07/19 REUTERS "Japan, China, S. Korea bankroll Indonesia's coal despite Paris pledge"​

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2016/04/01 Climate Progress "This Country Is Embracing Coal While The Rest Of The World Is Trying To Cut Emissions"​
2016/03/01 Number1 SHINBUN ”Is Coal the Answer to Japan's Nuclear Aversion?”​

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2015/12/09 NHK World News COP21: The Coal Conundrum
2015/03/29 Japan Times Japan accused of financing coal-fired power plants

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2014/02/14 HuffPost Will Japan End Its International Isolation on Overseas Coal Lending?​

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