東京電力が意見を募集した福島県広野・勿来の2か所の発電所(2014/6/10 東電、福島で新規建設予定の石炭発電所のCO2排出への配慮は省略!? )に加え、鹿島パワーも、茨城県鹿嶋市に新設予定の石炭火力発電所(65万kW)の計画段階環境配慮書を公開し、6月21日まで意見を募集しました。
USC(Ultra Super Critical:超々臨界圧)技術を採用しており、「東京電力の火力電源入札に関する関係局長級会議取りまとめ」で示されたBAT(Best Available Technology:利用可能な最良の技術)に該当するからという理由のようです。
・東京電力が計画する福島県広野町及びいわき市における石炭火力発電所新設について(計画段階配慮書への意見) (2014/6/13、気候ネットワーク)
Kashima Power released its planning phase environmental impact statement for its new coal-fired power plant set to be built in Kashima city, Ibaraki in 2020. after receiving comments from the public (until June 21st).
This follows TEPCO’s statement on its two power plants set to be built in Hirono and Nakoso, Fukushima (“TEPCO’s new coal power plant in Fukushima set to be built, CO2 emissions not considered in impact statement” 2014/06/10). The planning phase environmental impact statement of Kashima Power was open for comments on its website only between May 22nd to June 21st. However, it was impossible to duplicate or save the file during this period and was immediately deleted after the 21st.
This impact statement, similar to the two statements released by TEPCO, does not include any measures for CO2 emissions reduction. According to Kashima Power, this is because the power plant uses USC (Ultra Super Critical) technology which is the best technology available (BAT) stated in MoE and METI’s agreement concerning TEPCO’s thermal power bid. However, no consideration has been taken for measures such as purchasing carbon credits abroad to make up for excess CO2 emissions, nor is there any indication of the electricity power industry forming a voluntary framework for emissions reduction. Thus, it doesn’t reflect what was requested in the agreement by MoE and METI. Is it even possible to call this an “environmental” impact statement? And all things considered, how is it that utilities can build coal-fired power plants without taking any CO2 measures?
In this regard, Kiko Network has thus far submitted comments for three environmental impact statements. Kiko Network argues that from a climate change perspective, not only is it unacceptable to build new coal-fired power plants, but to not deal with measures for C02 emissions in these impact statements is also problematic. In addition, the NGO points out that lack of information disclosure of important information on environment aspects, such as CO2 emissions and thermal efficiency, is a grave problem.
Commentary on TEPCO’s plans to build coal-fired power plants in Hirono and Iwaki, Fukushima (concerning the planning phase impact statement)
Kiko Network, June 13th, 2014
Commentary on Kashima Power’s plans to build the Kashima coal-fired power plant Unit 2 (concerning the planning phase impact statement)
Kiko Network, June 21st ,2014