■おすすめ情報 ~もっと知りたい人のために
★要注目! 国内石炭火力発電所 建設・入札・廃止予定リスト(2015/11/5 気候ネットワーク調べ)
・No.16 釧路火力発電所(環境影響評価方法書の縦覧)
・No.22 鹿島パワー(環境影響評価準備書の縦覧)
・No.23 能代火力発電所3号機(東北電力によるお知らせ)
・No.29 武豊発電所5号機(環境影響評価方法書の縦覧)
・No.30 神戸製鋼(神戸市長の意見提出)
・No.31 松浦2号機(運転開始の前倒し検討の記事)
・No.44 響灘火力発電所(環境影響評価準備書の縦覧)
◉石炭はクリーンではない 検証:日本が支援する海外の石炭火力発電事業(2015年4月)
日米の環境NGO(気候ネットワーク、「環境・持続社会」研究センター、国際環境NGO FoE Japan、CoalSwarm、Friend of the Earth US、シエラクラブ)が共同で発表しました。
◉レポート「石炭火力発電所のデータ分析結果」(2015年4月9日 気候ネットワーク)
TEL:03-3263-9210 FAX:03-3263-9463
〒102-0082 千代田区一番町9-7一番町村上ビル6F
「石炭火力発電所の新設の動き ~ちょっと待った!」
“Move Beyond Coal, Now! Victories on the Front Lines”
“Global Coal Risk Assessment: Data Analysis and Market Research”
■Recommendations for People who Want to Learn More
“List of coal power plant plants, bids, shutdown” (Research by Kiko Network, * last updated Oct 6th,2015) (★: Updated)
September 3rd updates
October 6th updates
[[ Plans ]]
+++ Updates of the status +++
・NO.22 Kashima Power
・NO35、36 Kansai Electric Power, Marubeni
Papers,videos etc.
<in Japanese>
◉Dirty Coal: Breaking the Myth About Japanese-Funded Coal Plants(April 2015)
◉Japan’s Path to Sustainable Electricity Supply”(April 2015,Kiko Network)
This report, commissioned to Bruce C. Buckheit, Energy and Environment Consultant, former USEPA official, reviews current Japanese energy policy and potential energy options and issues, focusing on electricity, that is not fully considered in Japan’s Strategic Energy Plan and potential policy revisions within Japan.PDF
◉Kiko Network Newsletter (March 2013)
“A movement to construct a new coal fired power plant ~Stop!~”
The article illustrates the problem of TEPCO’s bid for a new coal fired power plant.
◉WWF Japan’s Briefing Paper (February 2013)
“TEPCO’s bid for a new power source will increase coal power use”
The article illustrates the problem of TEPCO’s bid for a new coal fired power plant.PDF
<in English>
◉Sierra Club’s introduction of worldwide anti-coal movements
“Move Beyond Coal, Now! Victories on the Front Lines”
Demonstrates the successful examples of anti-coal campaigns in India, USA, Kosovo, Germany, Australia, Indonesia, Turkey, and Malaysia. Link
“Global Coal Risk Assessment: Data Analysis and Market Research”
Evaluating the risks of worldwide coal power through data analysis and market research. PDF
◉A recent report by Greenpeace“Point of No Return”
A report that focuses on worldwide coal power. Link
◉A video that reveals the reality of coal
Greenpeace Australia demands ships carrying coal across the Great Barrier Reef to stop using coal. Link