この計画をめぐっては、大気汚染や気候変動への影響を懸念する地元住民らが、計画の見直しを求め、2017年12月に兵庫県公害審査会へ公害調停を申し立て、神戸製鋼、関西電力らとの協議が行われていた(リンクhttps://sekitan.jp/info/coalpowerplant-kobe_201801/)。しかし、神戸製鋼らは協議中の2018年8 月に工事計画を届け出たため、公害調停による協議を打ち切らざるを得ない状況となった(同年12月に打ち切り決定)。これをうけ地元住民らは計画を止めるため、新たな法的手段として同年9月、神戸製鋼及び子会社と関西電力を被告とする建設・稼働差止めを求める民事訴訟を提起した。さらに同年11月には、不十分な環境アセスメントにも関わらず建設を認めた国(経産省)に対する行政訴訟を提起し、現在も2つの法廷で争われている。
撮影された動画は、JR神戸線 住吉〜六甲道で撮影されたものである。発電所周辺には、マンションや商業施設などがあり、神戸市の中心地に立地している。最も近い住居とは、神戸製鋼の敷地境界から400mで、まさに手が届く距離にある。2019年末には、煙突が完成し、発電機を設置する建屋も完成間近な様子が伺える。新たな2基の発電所が稼働すると年間690万トンものCO2が排出される。また、2002年から稼働している1-2号機とあわせると規模は270万kW、年間1,400万t-CO2を排出するとみられる。これは日本の総排出量の約1%を占め、国内最大規模の石炭火力発電所群が、150万都市・神戸の住宅地近傍に出現する。
A local organization captures on video the state of construction of Units 3 and 4 of Kobe Steel’s coal-fired power plant in Nada Ward, Kobe
Kobe Steel is building two 650 MW coal thermal power plants.
Local residents, concerned about the impact on air pollution and climate change, called for a review of the plan, and in December 2017 filed a petition for pollution arbitration with the Hyogo Prefectural Pollution Examination Committee in which discussions with Kobe Steel and Kansai Electric Power took place(link: https://sekitan.jp/info/coalpowerplant-kobe_201801/). However, pollution arbitration discussions were unable to continue after Kobe Steel and their partners announced their construction plan in August 2018 in the middle of discussions (which were cancelled in December of that same year). In response, as a new legal measure against Kobe Steel, its subsidiaries, and Kansai Electric Power, local residents filed a civil lawsuit in September 2018 seeking to suspend the construction and operation of the plants. Additionally, In November of the same year, they filed an administrative lawsuit against the government (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), which had approved the construction despite an insufficient environmental assessment. Currently, these cases are still ongoing, as citizens fight the construction of the power plants in two courts.
Video of the current state of Kobe(2020/1/28)
This video was shot from a train (JR Kobe Line) between Sumiyoshi to Rokkomichi stations. The power plant is situated close to the center of Kobe city, with many apartment buildings and commercial facilities located in its vicinity; the nearest residence is only 400 meters away from the boundary of the Kobe Steel construction site. At the end of 2019, the plant’s chimney was completed, and the facility where the generator will be installed can be seen to be nearing completion. Once the two new power plants begin operation, they will emit 6.9 million tons of CO2 per year. Additionally, when combined with Units 1 and 2, which have been in operation since 2002, the expected combined scale will be 2.7 GW, emitting 14 million tons of CO2 per year. This will account for about 1% of Japan’s total emissions, with the country’s largest cluster of coal-fired power plants surfacing in close proximity to the residential areas of Kobe, a city with a population of more than 1.5 million.
Despite the demand from both within the country and abroad for Japan to move away from coal, if these power plants go into operation, it will ensure that substantial amounts of CO2 and other air pollutants will continue to be emitted for more than 30 years, significantly impeding measures to prevent climate change. Residents are fighting in two arduous court cases to secure a stable climate and clean air for their children to live in, and with political and administrative means so far ineffective in stopping the construction of coal-fired power plants, attention now turns to how the judiciary rules based on its perception of dangerous climate change issues.[:]