2020年9月29日より「Dont't Go Back to The 石炭!」のコンテンツは、「Japan Beyond Coal」に移行しました。URL:beyond-coal.jp

Don’t go back to the 石炭〜石炭火力発電に反対 |石炭発電|石炭火力発電|反原発

[:ja]仙台港の石炭火力発電所計画に市民が「待った!」  仙台港の石炭火力発電所建設問題を考える会発足、12月にシンポ開催[:en]Residents says “NO”: Concerned Citizens Set Up a Group to Consider Coal power plant in Sendai[:]












石炭火力発電所が新たに稼働すれば、たとえ「小規模火力発電所」であろうと年間約60万トンCO2を排出する大規模な排出源となり気候変動を引き起こす汚染源となります。しかし、仙台石炭火力発電所がかかえる問題点や住民の疑問点はそれだけではありません。この計画では、年間約 32 万トンの石炭(硫黄含有率 0.673%)を使用するので年間 2000 トンを超える硫黄を排出することになります。また、硫黄酸化物(SOx)のみならず、窒素酸化物(NOx)、オキシダント、PM2.5なども増加させます。環境アセスメントを実施しないがために、以下のような周辺環境への影響がどれほどのものかもわからずに、住民たちを困惑させているのです。




建設地から直線距離で 4km 圏内には、岡田小・鶴巻小・福室小・中野小・中野栄小・高砂中・中野中(以上仙台市立)、多賀城八幡小・城南小・多賀城小・天真小・高崎中・多賀城中(以上多賀城市立)、貞山高校、仙台育 英学園高校、東北学院大学工学部、仙塩病院・東北薬科大学病院、多賀城市役所、仙台港フェリーターミナル、仙台うみの杜水族館、三井アウトレット仙台港、夢メッセみやぎ、東北歴史博物館、多賀城市立図書館、多賀城市文化センター、陸前高砂駅・中野栄駅・多賀城駅、 陸上自衛隊多賀城駐屯地などのように、多数の学校・病院・公共施設・集客施設などが集中しています。こうした地域の拠点に石炭火力発電所がどのような影響を及ぼすのか明らかになっていません。







★シンポジウム「みんなで考えよう!仙台港の石炭火力発電所建設計画 ~知らなかった蒲生干潟すぐそばに建つなんて!~」


2015年8月14日 地元説明会の開催依頼書提出
2015年9月上旬  事業者への電話連絡/面会はかなわず
2016年2月5日  気候ネットワークより開示請求
2016年3月23日 工事計画届出書の情報開示 ◆黒塗り
(2016年3月 小規模火力発電に係る環境保全対策ガイドライン 改訂版公表)
2016年7月15日 気候ネットワークプレスリリース「小規模火力計画調査報告」
2016年8月12日 仙台市環境局環境対策課に申し入れ(地元住民が直接訪問)
2016年8月25日 仙台市・宮城県を訪問
2016年8月31日 仙台PSからFAXが届く「仙台市環境対策課へのお申し入れの件について
2016年9月6日  仙台PSへ意見交換の場の再要請・文書にて送付
2016年9月27日 仙台PSから郵便が届き、「質問は郵送で送付するように」との内容
2016年10月4日 工事計画届出書の情報開示 ◆黒塗り部分の開示
2016年10月6日 仙台港の石炭火力発電所建設問題を考える会(考える会)発足
2016年10月12日 気候ネットワークプレスリリース「小規模石炭火力計画の調査報告書:追補版」
2016年10月14日 考える会から仙台PSへ質問項目を郵送
2016年10月28日 仙台PSから郵送で文書が届く「10月末までには回答できない」との回答}
2016年11月8日  仙台PSから郵送で回答が届く

2016年2月25日 中嶋廉議員質問(本会議)
2016年9月30日 相沢みつや議員質問(本会議)
2016年10月12日 超党派県議による仙台PSに関する勉強会が開催される

2015年12月17日 仙台市環境影響評価制度に火力発電所追加
2016年3月2日 「仙台パワーステション株式会社の公害防止に関する協定書」[:en]

KEPCO and Itochu plan to construct a coal power plant at Sendai Port

In September 2014, media story revealed construction plan of coal-fired power plant at Miyagino-ward in Sendai city, Miyagi Prefecture. The developing company is Sendai Power Station Co., Inc. established by Kanden Energy Solutions (100% subsidiary companies of Kansai Electric Power) and Itochu Enex (group company of Itochu Corporation). This power plant is a small-scale and its installed capacity is 112MW. This size is, based on The Environmental Impact Assessment Law, slightly under the environmental assessment requirement. Even after the plan was revealed, the business owner haven’t had any public meetings for local communities, and neither opened any information including the power plant’s impact on the area. Under such a circumstances, we found construction was already started when we visited the site in Sendai.


The construction site of the Sendai Power Station (February 13, 2016)
Cranes can be seen on the right side, but building is too far behind to see.

The construction site of the Sendai Power Station (August 25, 2016)
Stretched crane necks can be seen that indicated plant construction was steadily going ahead.

No need to explain despite of being requested?

Of course, the local residents did not allow the business owner to get through without any explanation. While being covered by media, this project drew more and more attention of the locals on the construction itself and correspondence of the business owner. Here we look back actions taken by residents over last year.

In the summer in 2015, citizen’s group of the Sendai and the Kiko Network officially requested to Kansai Electric Power (KEPCO) and Itochu Corporation, parent companies of Sendai Power Station Co., Inc., to have an pubic meeting to explain about the project before construction starts (with submitted a request letter). However, there were no reply from them. None of KEPCO’s head office, KEPCO’s Tokyo branch office, Itochu Corporation’s electricity business department and Itochu’s public relations department presented their responsibilities for this project. After getting the runaround one company to another, we only heard them saying, “we cannot answer to your question.” Finally, we got reply from the chief director at Sendai Power Station’s construction site who said “We have taken proper legal procedures and I confirmed we do not hold an explanatory meeting.” After all, there was no plan to hold any explanatory meetings and in the meantime, they started construction on its site.

Sendai Power Station Co., Inc. made “the agreement on pollution control that the Sendai Power Station should prevent” with 7 local government and cities such as Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City. Since a necessity for communication with residents was clearly indicated in this agreement, Sendai residents called again for holding public meeting through the Environment Departments of Sendai City and Miyagi Prefecture in August 2015. Staff members of those governmental departments visited the Sendai Power Station, and requested to offer an explanation to the residents. Nevertheless, the business owner did not respond to the request, and just send back a letter saying “If you have any questions, ask us in a written form.” So far, exchanging post-mail is only method for communication between local residents and business owner.

While more and more residents question properness of this project, they established a group called “Group for considering coal power plant in Sendai (so called Anti-coal Sendai)”. Prof. Hasegawa and Prof. Asuka at Tohoku University became co-representatives for this group. Also, assembly members of both ruling and opposition parties of Miyagi prefectural held a joint seminar to discuss the issue of Sendai Power Station and they picked up the issue at the Miyagi prefectural assembly.

What’s the problem about the Sendai Power Station?

If a new coal-fired power plant starts its operation, even being with small-scale, it emits approximately 600,000t-CO2/year and be a big source trigger the climate change. However, CO2 emission is not the only problem at the Sendai Power Station nor concern of the residents. According to the plan, this Sendai Power Station will burn about 320,000t of coal (content rate of sulfur is 0.673%) and emit more than 2,000t of sulfur per year. In addition to SOx, the amount of NOx, oxidants, and PM2.5 in the atmosphere will be increased. Without conducting an environmental assessment by the business owner, there is no way residents to know environmental impacts around the plant and that makes residents very concerned especially about following potential environmental impacts.

★Impact on the Gamou Higata (Gamou Tideland)

Next to the construction site, there is a beautiful tideland which has become a symbol of post-earthquake recovery. This Gamou Higata locates just several hundred-meters south of the construction site. It was once washed away by tsunami at the Great East Japan Earthquake, but miraculously recovered by power of nature. This tideland with valuable ecosystem even on a national basis is a sanctuary for water birds and designated as a special wildlife preserve area in Japan. Such a “miraculous tideland” is also a symbol of recovery from the great earthquake. The Sendai Power Station doesn’t explain about the impacts of the power plant to this tideland either.

★Impacts on schools, hospitals, public facilities and commercial facilities

Within a radius of 4km from the construction site, a number of elementary-, intermediate-, high-schools, universities, hospitals, public facilities, commercial facilities and others are crammed. The power plant’s impacts on regional hubs have not been identified as well.
The most unconvincing point for Sendai residents is that one of the parent companies of this project is KEPCO, in which mainly distributes electricity in Kansai area (west of Japan) and has no relationship with Sendai residents. The KEPCO came crossing over to Sendai from Kansai district and started construction in name of “reconstruction (from the Great East Japan Earthquake). It turned a deaf ear to the residents, so the Anti-coal Sendai sent a letter to raise various questions to the business operator. The business operator replied there were no problems. The Anti-coal Sendai took the answers into account and would continue to ask for a sincere response from Sendai Power Station.

The information of the construction plan disclosed

In the series of citizen’s action, the information of the construction plan turned to be disclosed.
In February 2016, Kiko Network requested the Tohoku branch of Kanto Tohoku Industrial Safety and Inspection Department to disclose information. When it came out, the information was mostly concealed. To put it concretely, the information of boilers, devices generating soot and smoke, sulfur and nitrogen content of fuels, gas exhaustion amount, analytical value of the fuels and the progress schedule were totally blacked out (The first disclosure). However, in October, Inspection Department turned their attitudes and almost all the information was disclosed (The second disclosure after making a protest). It shows that the residents’ persevering approach succeeded in exerting pressure on the business owners.[:]