2020年9月29日より「Dont't Go Back to The 石炭!」のコンテンツは、「Japan Beyond Coal」に移行しました。URL:beyond-coal.jp

Don’t go back to the 石炭〜石炭火力発電に反対 |石炭発電|石炭火力発電|反原発

[:ja]【更新】石炭火力発電所建設・入札・廃止予定リストを更新しました(2015年10月)[:en]【Update】48 coal-fired power plants with combined capacity of 23,496MW are under planning in Japan. (No additional info. in this time)[:]



石炭火力発電所建設・入札・廃止予定リスト(最終更新:2015/10/6 気候ネットワーク調べ)


・NO.22  鹿島パワー(電源開発、新日鐵住金) /アセス状況を更新
・NO35、36 関西電力・丸紅/発電所名を秋田港発電所1号機(仮称)と追加[:en]

We have checked our list of domestic coal-fired power plants that are slated to be built, under the bidding process and that have been shutdown.
It is good to know no new one comes at this moment, and the total number is remaining as 48 with a combined capacity of 23,496MW.

Please check back with us for updates!

This list is updated monthly.The Newest one is on Additional information page.

“List of coal power plant plants, bids, shutdown” (Research by Kiko Network, * last updated October 6th,2015)  (★: Updated)

October 6th updates

[[ Plans ]]
+++ Updates of the status +++

・NO.22  Kashima Power
・NO35、36 Kansai Electric Power, Marubeni
